

Assignment Number 1

Day 1 of the 4 Weeks to a More Organized Home series started out not all that great as I realized I have no sort of morning routine. I leave the house at all different times, depending on what my work schedule is like so every morning is a little different. However, it normally looks like this: sleep in until as late as possible, check things on my phone (email, facebook, instagram, etc) and then rush to get ready (I regularly shower at night), make coffee and run out the door with breakfast in hand. No wonder I always feel frazzled in the am. I spend the bulk of my time checking social media and then rush through the important things. What a way to start the day! I am hoping through this series that I can figure out a morning routine which helps me feel more prepared and awake when starting my day.
I did complete the main task for the day: cleaning out my bag! I chose to tackle my work bag as it seems to collect the most junk.

Here are the contents:

Bag of vitamins, bobby pins, headband, chap stick, hair product, glasses with extra contacts in the case, coupon holder, lots of random coupons and receipts, work folder and notebook, pencil case, extra pens, business cards, wallet, work phone and charging cord, paint sample, notebook, free pad of paper from a conference, bracelet, and Kleenex.

I went through all the random papers, coupons, and organized it all back into my bag nice and neatly.

We will see how long that lasts :) Another part of the day's assignment was to also find 7 things to get rid of/donate. I actually already have a stack of clothes to get rid that have been sitting in my closet for the past month or so and I have decided to just count them as day 1's items. Now, on to day 2!

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