This morning we had our pre-drywall meeting at our house. We walked through and looked at all of the electrical and plumbing. We checked the placements of lights and all outlets.

Kitchen sink:


Back wall of the house:

More plumbing and wiring:

Stairs (we have TONS of good storage under the stairs!):



It was FREEZING while we were there. It was definitely colder in the house than outside....weird! After 40 mins. of going through everything my toes were completely frozen. They plan to get the roof done in the next 2 days so they can start with the insulation. The bricks for the outside had already been delivered and were just waiting to be put up. Tomorrow someone will be running all of our cable and Internet lines. I can't believe how fast everything is moving along!
Yesterday we got notified that the wood flooring we originally chose is no longer offered! YIKES! So on Friday James and I are heading back to the design center to pick out a new flooring that will hopefully still match our cabinets and everything!